Let’s achieve both.
We believe successful planning is a good thing.
Helping clients build customized, broadly diversified portfolios is just the beginning.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Which strategy best fits your goals, timeframe and risk tolerance? Our advice is grounded in decades of experience. We offer combinations of investment disciplines as individual as you are, providing thoughtful, caring consultation on: For more, select from top tabs of section.
With you every step.
and most importantly:
The Basics Still Apply.
Climate Change, the Energy Transition, the Digital Economy, all have incredible future trajectories. Yet traditional drivers of investment success such as diversification, hedging strategies and other fundamentals remain essential. Please select from below topics.
How do we evaluate environmentally responsible investment? Most investment companies now offer funds and ETF’s that are labeled “Environmental”. But the same question applies: Corporate carbon-neutral commitments can be hard to quantify, spread over a long time-span, sometimes amounting to little more than lip service. The bottom line is, if you want your money to make a significant impact on our world, it’s critical that it goes to the right companies and funds — to people who are energetically involved and have climate commitment as their primary vision. And as we have mentioned, the returns for green investment can exceed those for so-called traditional industries and sectors. It is now becoming apparent to today’s investors, and mainstream business as well, that sustainability is simply more profitable in the long run. The revolution in enhanced wireless communication and data storage facilities is only beginning. This sector is likely to be rewarded with high returns on investment and can also provide unique portfolio diversification. Something to consider is how the renewable energy transition and digital electrification are interrelated. For example, Schneider Electric, a global company active in more than 100 countries (and one of our favorite ESG performers), has a large footprint in both of these sectors. The US government is rolling up its sleeves to tackle urgent infrastructure upgrades. Investment in this sector is expected to provide rewarding returns.
Transformative drivers of environmental change must, in our view, do at least one of the following:
• Which of these are worth your money?
What are the most effective climate investments? We believe they involve companies and funds with verifiable track records of outwardly-engaged environmental focus, rather than, for example, corporations primarily committed to purchasing tree-planting credits to offset their own carbon footprint. Though we laud every effort, this latter group unfortunately seems to be (by far) the most prevalent offering that Climate Change investors will encounter today. We know, because we’ve looked under the hood and studied these watered-down offerings in detail.
For more about forward-looking investment, hedging strategies,
income portfolios or simply to discuss financial planning, contact us.

When In Doubt, Use Common Sense.
Rebalancing, risk mitigation, return enhancement and other active management techniques can safeguard investment
during uncertain times.
In order to determine the optimal choice and allocation for any asset in a portfolio, money managers must have a current, robust understanding of the macroeconomic landscape. Intensive, continuous research and analysis is one of our core strengths in this field.
Despite consistently rosy predictions from media outlets, we see potential economic market dislocations and stresses. Our Defensive Growth Tactical Allocation Portfolio (DGTAP) is positioned to capitalize on fractured economic fundamentals that have been manipulated by central banks. It’s our considered thesis that the massive debt created by these actions, along with a global demographic shift toward an aging population, will impact future economic growth.
In particular, our prolonged, overheated, speculative business cycle may be nearing its end. There is no “New Normal” of infinite economic expansion free from cyclical contraction, though such magical thinking has been put forth by media pundits during this and past market bubbles.
Dividends are Hard Not to Like.
For regular income, increasing profits, reducing overall portfolio risk, offering tax advantages, and helping to preserve purchasing power of capital, it’s hard to beat steady dividends.

Dividends, whether paid from bonds, stocks or real estate, can stabilize portfolio volatility. They can also be used to provide a steady income.

Expecting the Unexpected.
Investment risk is commonly defined as deviation from an expected outcome. Risk management is the process of assessing, managing and mitigating potential losses.
As thorough and thoughtful risk managers of our client’s money, we use multiple strategies and methods, depending on the portfolio objective and client’s tolerance of risk.
Our Services
As your trusted partner
… we keep in mind that your financial needs and goals may evolve. That’s why we make ourselves available for ongoing communication. Accessibility is one of the key strengths of a company like ours. We know and care about each of our clients, and make sure they always feel comfortable to call or drop by our office for an informal chat.
Accounts are held at Charles Schwab and Co. Schwab is one of the largest financial institutions in the world. More importantly their service is exceptional and consistent. They are always on the forefront of technology to improve the customer’s experience.
We have partnered with Advizon, a division of YHLSoft, for integrated account management and reporting that helps us provide clients with in-depth summaries of their investment holdings and returns though a personalized, highly-secure web portal.
Think about financial planning
…as a reflection on what you and your family value in life. This process gives you the opportunity to ask questions and formulate a roadmap to improved financial outcomes.
These services are included in our asset management fees:
- Retirement Planning
- Survivor Needs Planning
- Education Expense Planning
- Social Security Analysis
- Long Term Care Expense Planning
- Life Insurance Needs Analysis*
*Note: Commissions are paid by the insurance company if we recommend and transact insurance on your behalf.
Over many years helping our clients make sound financial decisions, we have identified the main “Retirement Planning Essentials”. These are the “boxes we need to check” to make sure we are collectively considering the most important financial aspects in retirement.
If we have not considered the risk of expenses that could de-rail our retirement income or savings, we leave ourselves vulnerable to unwanted consequences.
As investors, we are continually reviewing and anticipating risks. The risks in retirement can be magnified. Healthcare cost, the expenses that come with ageing and longevity, and securing income in retirement that will carry us through our life are the issues to understand and plan carefully for.
Suggested action for clients:
- Work with us to take an inventory of your retirement essentials.
- Together we will identify any gaps that you may want to address.
- We will create a plan (which is also a forecast) of your resources and how they may serve you throughout retirement.
The Benefits
- You will have more clarity about your potential future needs.
- You will have put your retirement resources to the “stress test”.
- Many of your anxieties and questions about your retirement plans will be answered.
The basic core portfolio will protect retirement money and target a return that is in excess of current inflation, allowing the portfolio to keep ahead of the cost of living at a minimum.
Wondering what to expect? (Hint: think informal, friendly and relaxed conversation)
Which strategy best fits your goals, timeframe and risk tolerance? Our advice is grounded in decades of experience.
We offer combinations of investment disciplines as individual as you are, providing thoughtful, caring consultation on:
- Retirement Planning
- 401(k)s
- IRAs
- Estate Planning
- Tax Planning
and most importantly: - Ongoing, committed support to help you achieve your financial goals.
Our most popular investment strategies include:

How do we evaluate environmentally responsible investment? Most investment companies now offer funds and ETF’s that are labeled “Environmental”. But the same question applies: Corporate carbon-neutral commitments can be hard to quantify, spread over a long time-span, sometimes amounting to little more than lip service. The bottom line is, if you want your money to make a significant impact on our world, it’s critical that it goes to the right companies and funds — to people who are energetically involved and have climate commitment as their primary vision. And as we have mentioned, the returns for green investment can exceed those for so-called traditional industries and sectors. It is now becoming apparent to today’s investors, and mainstream business as well, that sustainability is simply more profitable in the long run. The revolution in enhanced wireless communication and data storage facilities is only beginning. This sector is likely to be rewarded with high returns on investment and can also provide unique portfolio diversification. Something to consider is how the renewable energy transition and digital electrification are interrelated. For example, Schneider Electric, a global company active in more than 100 countries (and one of our favorite ESG performers), has a large footprint in both of these sectors. The US government is rolling up its sleeves to tackle urgent infrastructure upgrades. Investment in this sector is expected to provide rewarding returns.
Transformative drivers of environmental change must, in our view, do at least one of the following:
• Which of these are worth your money?
What are the most effective climate investments? We believe they involve companies and funds with verifiable track records of outwardly-engaged environmental focus, rather than, for example, corporations primarily committed to purchasing tree-planting credits to offset their own carbon footprint. Though we laud every effort, this latter group unfortunately seems to be (by far) the most prevalent offering that Climate Change investors will encounter today. We know, because we’ve looked under the hood and studied these watered-down offerings in detail.

When In Doubt, Use Common Sense.
Rebalancing, risk mitigation, return enhancement and other active management techniques can safeguard investment during uncertain times.
In order to determine the optimal choice and allocation for any asset in a portfolio, money managers must have a current, robust understanding of the macroeconomic landscape. As a result of the sheer number of hours per week spent continually researching this field with its myriad areas of data analysis, we feel this is one of our core strengths.
Despite consistently rosy predictions from media outlets, we see potential economic market dislocations and stresses. Our Defensive Growth Tactical Allocation Portfolio (DGTAP) is positioned to capitalize on fractured economic fundamentals that have been manipulated by central banks. It’s our considered thesis that the massive debt created by these actions, along with a global demographic shift toward an aging population, will impact future economic growth.
In particular, our prolonged, overheated, speculative business cycle may be nearing its end. There is no “New Normal” of infinite economic expansion free from cyclical contraction, though such magical thinking has been put forth by media pundits during this and past market bubbles.

Dividends are Hard Not to Like.
For regular income, increasing profits, reducing overall portfolio risk, offering tax advantages, and helping to preserve purchasing power of capital, it’s hard to beat steady dividends.
Dividends, whether paid from bonds, stocks or real estate, can stabilize portfolio volatility. They can also be used to provide a steady income.

Expecting the Unexpected.
Investment risk is commonly defined as deviation from an expected outcome. Risk management is the process of assessing, managing and mitigating potential losses.
As thorough and thoughtful risk managers of our client’s money, we use multiple strategies and methods, depending on the portfolio objective and client’s tolerance of risk.
.To have a productive meeting usually requires 45 – 60 minutes.
- We will talk about what you want to talk about. Though we may ask questions, it’s your agenda.
- Our services, if you choose to engage them, are paid for by fees for the assets we manage. These will be clearly explained.
- The snacks and Pete’s Espresso? Those are always on us.
There is no pressure to “do” anything on your part. This meeting is for you to determine if we are a candidate to help you achieve your goals. If so, the next steps are outlined in the “New Clients” section. If not, hopefully the time spent will have been productive.
Secure Retirement provides financial and investment advice as well as the management of our clients accounts. Our firm is paid a fee based on client AUM (Assets Under Management). This fee is billed quarterly to the Charles Schwab custodial account holding client assets.
- For accounts under $1 million – our annual fee does not exceed 1.00%
- For amounts over $1 million – our annual fee does not exceed 0.75%
Secure Retirement has a referral program through which other advisors refer clients to have their accounts managed by our firm. These fee structures are different from our above standard fee schedule. All fee schedules and details can be found in the ADV located on our website or available upon request.
Great communication equals a great relationship.
Here are some of the ways we stay in touch:
- Our monthly client newsletter
- Quarterly Comprehensive Statements
- 24×7 access to your accounts
- 24×7 access to our Financial Education Portal
- Live Events discussing current economic and investment trends
- Personal one on one meetings
- We’re a phone call away
Q: What is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)?
A: An advisor or firm engaged in the investment advisory business and registered either with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or state securities authorities. A Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) is defined by The Investment Advisers Act of 1940 as a “person or firm that, for compensation, is engaged in the act of providing advice, making recommendations, issuing reports or furnishing analyses on securities, either directly or through publications.” An investment advisor has a fiduciary duty to his or her clients, which means that he or she has a fundamental obligation to provide suitable investment advice and always act in the clients’ best interests.*
Q: How can I verify if Secure Retirement has any customer complaints or Ethical violations?
A: FINRA is the regulatory body that compiles customer complaints and actions against advisors. Additionally we are happy to provide you with a copy of form ADV which is a record of our activities and services that is monitored by regulatory agencies.
Q: What is Secure Retirement’s size and market?
A: Our main market is Northern California; however we do have clients in other parts of the U.S. Currently we serve approximately 300 families and manage $100,000,000+ of client assets.
Q. What is your minimum account size?
A: $100,000 for a brokerage account. We work with many clients who have less than $500,000 of net worth and we work with clients who have tens of millions. The average client with us as their advisor has approximately $1,500,000- $2,000,000 net worth. We manage anywhere from 25% to 100% of a client’s assets.
Q: Why do you hold your accounts at Charles Schwab & Co.?
A: Best in class, service and technology. Staff is well trained and consistent. Easy to use website and allows e-technology.
*Investopedia definition
How to Become a Client
After your initial phone consultation with Richard or Jeff, you will be asked to email your name and the type of account/s you would like Secure Retirement to manage. You will receive a secure email with three forms for e-signature:
- Client Profile: The Client Profile is an important tool for your contact information and to document your wishes on how your account is to be managed.
- Advisor Agreement: This is the agreement between you and Secure Retirement Financial and Insurance Corporation. It communicates the duties and responsibilities of the firm and terms of engagement.
- Electronic Consent Form: To receive future communications from us via email rather than regular mail.
Once we have these forms back from you, we will send you the Charles Schwab application/s for e-signature. Once the account is open you will receive transfer paperwork and other forms for e-signature.
What Happens Next?
As soon as your new account(s) opens, Judit or Amber will email you the details on next steps. Schwab will email you a link to gain online access. Schwab will also send out a prospectus on their money market fund. (They are required to send these out with every fund purchased. You do not need to keep these documents unless you wish).
Any transfer paperwork will be submitted to Charles Schwab immediately. Schwab will then submit the requests to your current institution. This process usually takes approximately two weeks to complete.
Once your funds have arrived in your new Schwab account(s), we will make the necessary sales and purchases. This often occurs immediately, though the exact timing does depend on market conditions.
For any assistance with online access to your Schwab account(s), please call Schwab Alliance at 800-515-2157. (See below for details on Schwab Alliance services.)
What Will You Receive from Secure Retirement?
Every month we send out an Economic & Market Update report.
Shortly after the end of each quarter we compile more detailed reports about our investments and account performance, along with a summary of your personal investment returns. These can be found in the “Vault” section of your online portal. Your portal can be found at — or by selecting Client Area from the main menu of our website.
Clients will receive login credentials to the Portal as part of the signup process. Your user name and password will be emailed to you, along with an explanation of how to use the portal.
You will occasionally receive invitations from us to special events to which all clients, their friends and family members are warmly invited. For the duration of the pandemic, these will be online events.
You will also receive notice when we discover new opportunities to invest in private Real Estate Investment Trusts and related investments. These are described below under “Alternative Investments.”
Office Hours:
8:30 am – 5:00 pm Monday-Friday
Mailing Address:
Secure Retirement Financial
18 Crow Canyon Court, Suite 325
San Ramon, CA 94583
Phone: (925) 855-4300
FAX: (925) 855-4630
Secure Retirement Staff Areas of Responsibility:
Richard Morey– ( Richard’s primary responsibility involves managing our Charles Schwab accounts. Richard makes most of the trades in accounts. He also writes most of our economic and market analysis.
Jeff Warren– ( Jeff assists with managing the Schwab accounts (he and Richard share a complete understanding of our Schwab account management). Jeff is also in charge of all aspects of our financial planning services. These services are provided to all clients, at no additional charge. They include:
- Retirement Planning
- Health care planning, including Medicare and long-term care
- Insurance, including life insurance and annuities
- Social Security income planning
In addition, Jeff is also in charge of all of our alternative investments (described in the section on “Alternative Investments”).
Amber Jenkins – (
Judit Eriksson – (
Amber and Judit are primarily responsible for our Schwab account administration and billing. They open all the new accounts, oversee transfers into accounts, and are the persons you should contact whenever you need to withdraw money from your account. Amber and Judit also make sure all clients who have Required Minimum Distributions from IRA accounts receive the appropriate amounts.
Dianne Warren–( Dianne is in charge of the administration of our alternative investments. She also oversees communications with both clients and those referred to Secure Retirement, along with overseeing all our events.
Peter Eriksson — ( Peter is our Trading Specialist and manages the technologies used at Secure Retirement. He is our in-house webmaster and oversees the website portal as well.
Who to Call or Email?
Richard Morey or Jeff Warren:
- Investment Questions
- Account Statement Review
Amber Jenkins or Judit Eriksson:
- Schedule Appointments
- Schwab Account Administration
- Tax Forms, Statements
- Account Withdrawals
- Money Transfers
- Billing
Jeff Warren
- Retirement Plans and Social Security
- Alternative Investments and REITS (see details below)
Dianne Warren
- Alternative Investments and REITS Administration
- Secure Retirement Events
Peter Eriksson
- Secure Retirement Technology
- Client Web Portal
- Trading
- Website
Schwab Alliance
800-515-2157 – Call for help with any Charles Schwab website questions.
Schwab Alliance is where you will be able to view your account history, positions, transactions, balance, transfer and payment information, and monthly Schwab statements.
As soon as your Schwab account opens you will receive an email from Schwab containing a link to set up your Alliance access. Click the “New User” link to begin the process.
Please Note: If you choose not to have electronic delivery of your documents the Electronic Equity Trade Commission (the cost to make trades) will be $19.95 per trade. (This fee does not apply to mutual fund purchases and sales.)
If you do choose electronic document delivery, there are no fees for trades.
Secure Web Portal
Your current Schwab account balances are displayed in a convenient overview at Helpful performance metrics, secure document vault and many other features make the portal a useful resource.
Alternative Investments
Many of our clients like to complement their portfolio with investments that are not correlated to the stock or bond markets. Usually this comes in the form of real estate or other “real” assets. These alternatives offer diversification as well as opportunities for income and growth.
The most popular investment is a Real Estate Investment Trust or REIT. These allow investors to invest modest amounts of money to purchase shares. REITs started in 1960 to give individual investors more access to investing in commercial real estate. REIT’s usually buy many properties in a sector, such as apartment complexes, over a region or the entire country. Investors receive distributions that can be paid in cash or reinvested for additional shares. These investments are generally illiquid for 4-7 years.
We have invested in diverse market sectors, including apartments, healthcare, data centers, parking facilities, self-storage, renewable energy, and industrial and office buildings.
1031 Exchanges – Taxes can be fully deferred on the sale of a rental or commercial property you own by exchanging for a like kind property. In addition to tax deferral, exchange properties can produce significant tax-advantaged income.
For more details and to receive information contact Jeff Warren.
Tax FAQ’s
*1099’s will be sent from Schwab, generally the 2nd week in February.
*You will only receive a 1099 on a tax deferred account (such as an IRA) if you made a withdrawal in the previous year. All other brokerage accounts will receive a 1099.
*Management fees are only tax-deductible on brokerage accounts (not tax-deferred accounts such as IRA accounts). Fee totals can be located on the last page of your 1099.
*All contributions to tax deferred accounts for the previous year need to be in a Schwab office by April 15th (or last tax date) or at Secure Retirement by April 14th.